Anthony Turpin
Language Of Vision
Critics have argued that art can be described but not defined. When I am asked to describe my work I am always tempted to quote a line from a poem by T.S. Ellot, "oh, do not ask what is it, let us go and make our visit." Each of us view the world differently. The artists' vision is experienced differently by every unique individual.

Landscape Paintings
From my earliest recollection, the landscape was a source of wonder. Initially my quest was for control of media to make paintings of things as they are in nature - especially the wide expanses of the West and Northwest. Being surrounded by them all my life, I was primarily interested in capturing and illustrating those scenes

Drawings By Anthony
Historians and critics have argued that "art" can be described but not defined. For that reason I have had difficulty finding the right words to express thoughts about my own work, thoughts that might convey a sense of what a painting means or what I might want a viewer to see.

Anthony Turpin
Critics have argued that art can be described but not defined. When I am asked to describe my work I am always tempted to quote a line from a poem by T.S. Ellot, "oh, do not ask what is it, let us go and make our visit." This is what I believe makes art so enjoying - everyone will experience it differently.